Johnson算法可以在O(V*V lgV + VE)的时间内找到所有节点对之间的最短路径,对于稀疏图来说,算法的渐进表现要由于重复平方法和FloydWarshall算法,如果图没有权值为负值的环路,则返回所有结点对的最短路径权重的矩阵,否则,报告图有权值为负的环
如果图G = (V, E)中权值全为非负值,则通过对所有结点运行一次dijkstra算法找出所有结点对的最短路径,
对于将负值权重转换为非负值使用的方法是,在原图上新加一个结点s,并将w(s, v) == 0, 然后对s运行BellmanFord函数计算出s到其他点的最短路径,
运用一个h[vexnum]数组存放这个值,h[i] = σ(s, v),即s到v的最短路径值。
这个值相当于将每个结点赋予一个一个值,这些值用于重新计算边的权重ww(u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) - h(v),重新计算出来的权重即为非负值。
以下为代码:import java.util.*; public class Johnson{ static final int MAX = 20; //最大点数 static int[][] g; static int[] h = new int[MAX]; // static LinkedListS = new LinkedList (); static PriorityQueue Q = new PriorityQueue (); //Q = V-S static ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList (); static int[][] D; static int ver; //节点数 static int edge; //边数 static final int BELLMAN_FORD = 1; static final int DIJKSTRA = 2; /************全局数据结构****************/ static class Elem implements Comparable { public int s; //节点编号 public int d; //与源节点距离 public Elem(int s,int d){ this.s = s; this.d = d; } public int compareTo(Elem e){return d - e.d;} } /***********以下是Johnson算法实现*******************/ static void johnson(){ int s = ver; //新添加一个节点 int[][] g_new = new int[ver+1][ver+1]; for(int u = 0;u < g_new.length;u++){ for(int v = 0;v < g_new.length;v++){ if(v == g.length){g_new[u][v] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;continue;} if(u == g.length){g_new[u][v] = 0; continue;} g_new[u][v] = g[u][v]; } } if(bellman_ford(g_new,s) == false) {System.out.println("circle exist");return;} for(Elem e:nodes) h[e.s] = e.d; System.out.println("h[v]: from 0 to n"); for(int i = 0;i < ver;u++){ for(int v = 0;v < ver;v++){ if(g[u][v] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) continue; g[u][v] = g[u][v] + h[u]-h[v]; } } System.out.println("G' :"); initD(g); print(g); for(int u = 0;u < ver;u++){ dijkstra(g,u); for(int v = 0;v < ver;v++){ if(nodes.get(v).d == Integer.MAX_VALUE) continue; D[u][v] = nodes.get(v).d + h[v] - h[u]; } } System.out.println("D[i][j]: shortest path from i to j"); print(D); } public static void main(String[] args){ input(); johnson(); } /***初始化函数:可用于Bellman-Ford与Dijkstra的初始化*******/ static void init(int[][] g,int source,int mode){ nodes.clear(); for(int i=0; i < g.length;i++){ //初始S为空,Q为全部节点 Elem e = new Elem(i,Integer.MAX_VALUE); nodes.add(e); if(i == source && mode == DIJKSTRA) Q.add(e); } nodes.get(source).d = 0; } static void initD(int[][] g){ for(int i = 0;i < g.length;i++) for(int j = 0;j < g.length;j++){ D[i][j] = g[i][j]; } } /*********以下是Bellman-Ford实现***********/ static boolean bellman_ford(int[][] g,int source){ init(g,source,BELLMAN_FORD); int s=0,e=0,w=0; for(int i=0;i < g.length-1;i++){ //对所有的边进行松弛操作 for(int u = 0;u < g.length;u++){ for(int v = 0;v < g.length;v++){ if(g[u][v] == Integer.MAX_VALUE||nodes.get(u).d == Integer.MAX_VALUE) continue; nodes.get(v).d = Math.min(nodes.get(v).d, nodes.get(u).d + g[u][v]); } } } //遍历每条边 for(int u = 0;u < g.length;u++){ for(int v = 0;v < g.length;v++){ if(g[u][v] == Integer.MAX_VALUE||nodes.get(u).d == Integer.MAX_VALUE) continue; if(nodes.get(v).d > nodes.get(u).d + g[u][v]) return false; } } return true; } /************以下是Dijkstra实现*************/ static void dijkstra(int[][] g,int source){ init(g,source,DIJKSTRA); while(Q.size() > 0){ Elem u = Q.poll(); // S.add(u); for(int v = 0;v < g.length;v++){ if(g[u.s][v] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && nodes.get(v).d > u.d + g[u.s][v]){ Elem nv = nodes.get(v); //下面删除后添加是为了使PriorityQueue能够重新调整 Q.remove(nv); nv.d = u.d + g[u.s][v]; Q.offer(nv); } } } } /**************用于获取输入数据,初始化图G的***************/ static void input(){ Scanner cin = new Scanner(; System.out.println("请输入 点数 边数"); ver = cin.nextInt(); edge = cin.nextInt(); g = new int[ver][ver]; D = new int[ver+1][ver+1]; int s,e,w; for(int i = 0;i < ver;i++){ for(int j = 0;j < ver;j++) {g[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;} } System.out.println("起点 终点 权值"); for(int i=0;i < ver;u++){ for(int v = 0;v < ver;v++){ if(g[u][v] == Integer.MAX_VALUE){System.out.print("inf\t"); continue;} System.out.print(g[u][v]+""+'\t'); } System.out.println(); } } }
/************************************************************ Johnson.h: Johnson算法,存储为邻接表, Date: 2014/1/5 Author: searchop ************************************************************/ #ifndef ALGRAPH_H #define ALGRAPH_H #include#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //邻接表的结构 struct ArcNode //表结点 { int source; //图中该弧的源节点 int adjvex; //该弧所指向的顶点的位置 ArcNode *nextarc; //指向下一条弧的指针 int weight; //每条边的权重 }; template struct VertexNode //头结点 { VertexType data; //顶点信息 ArcNode *firstarc; //指向第一条依附于该顶点的弧的指针 int key; //Prim:保存连接该顶点和树中结点的所有边中最小边的权重; //BellmanFord:记录从源结点到该结点的最短路径权重的上界 VertexNode *p; //指向在树中的父节点 int indegree; //记录每个顶点的入度 }; const int SIZE = 6; //图的操作 template class ALGraph { public: typedef VertexNode VNode; ALGraph(int verNum) : vexnum(verNum), arcnum(0) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_NUM; i++) { vertices[i].firstarc = NULL; vertices[i].key = INT_MAX/2; vertices[i].p = NULL; vertices[i].indegree = 0; } } //构造算法导论410页图(带权有向图) void createWDG() { cout << "构造算法导论410页图(带权有向图)..." << endl; int i; for (i = 1; i < vexnum; i++) vertices[i].data = 'a' + i - 1; insertArc(1, 2, 3); insertArc(1, 3, 8); insertArc(1, 5, -4); insertArc(2, 4, 1); insertArc(2, 5, 7); insertArc(3, 2, 4); insertArc(4, 3, -5); insertArc(4, 1, 2); insertArc(5, 4, 6); } void createG() { cout << "构造图G'...." << endl; vertices[0].data = 's'; insertArc(0, 1, 0); insertArc(0, 2, 0); insertArc(0, 3, 0); insertArc(0, 4, 0); insertArc(0, 5, 0); } //Johnson算法,先使用BellmanFord算法,使所有的边的权重变为非负值, //然后运用dijkstra算法求出结点对的最短路径 int **Johnson() { createG(); //构造G’ displayGraph(); if (!BellmanFord(1)) cout << "the input graph contains a negative-weight cycle" << endl; else { int h[SIZE]; int i, j, k; //将数组h[]的值设为运行BellmanFord后取得的值,h[i]为结点s到其他点的最短路径 for (i = 0; i < vexnum; i++) h[i] = vertices[i].key; //遍历所有的边,将边的权值重新赋值,即将所有的边的权值改为负值 for (i = 0; i < vexnum; i++) { ArcNode *arc = vertices[i].firstarc; for (; arc != NULL; arc = arc->nextarc) arc->weight = arc->weight + h[arc->source] - h[arc->adjvex]; } 以下为代码: cout << "改变权重后的图为:" << endl; displayGraph(); int **d = new int *[SIZE]; for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) d[j] = new int[SIZE]; //对每个结点运行dijkstra算法,求出每个点到其他点的最短路径,保存在key中 for (k = 1; k < SIZE; k++) { Dijkstra(k+1); for (i = 1; i < SIZE; i++) d[k][i] = vertices[i].key + h[i] - h[k]; } cout << "最后计算出的结点对的最短距离:" << endl; displayTwoDimArray(d); return d; } } //输出一个二维数组 void displayTwoDimArray(int **p) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) cout << p[i][j] << " "; cout << endl; } cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << endl; } //打印邻接链表 virtual void displayGraph() { for (int i = 0; i < vexnum; i++) { cout << "第" << i+1 << "个顶点是:" << vertices[i].data << " 顶点的入度为:" << vertices[i].indegree << " 邻接表为: "; ArcNode *arcNode = vertices[i].firstarc; while (arcNode != NULL) { cout << " -> " << vertices[arcNode->adjvex].data << "(" << arcNode->weight << ")"; arcNode = arcNode->nextarc; } cout << endl; } cout << "*******************************************************" << endl; } //PVnode排序准则 class PVNodeCompare { public: bool operator() (VNode *pvnode1, VNode *pvnode2) { return pvnode1->key > pvnode2->key; } }; //对每个结点的最短路径估计和前驱结点进行初始化,最短路径初始化为INT_MAX, p初始化为NULL //并将源节点的key初始化为0 void InitalizeSingleSource(int index) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_NUM; i++) { vertices[i].key = INT_MAX>>2; vertices[i].p = NULL; } vertices[index].key = 0; } //对边(u, v)进行松弛,将目前s到v的最短路径v.key与s到u的最短路径加上w(u, v)的值进行比较 //如果比后面的值还大,则进行更新,将v.key缩短,并且将p置为u void relax(ArcNode *arc) { //竟然溢出了!! if (vertices[arc->adjvex].key > vertices[arc->source].key + arc->weight) { vertices[arc->adjvex].key = vertices[arc->source].key + arc->weight; vertices[arc->adjvex].p = &vertices[arc->source]; } } //BellmanFord, index为实际第几个点 bool BellmanFord(int index) { InitalizeSingleSource(index-1); for (int i = 1; i < vexnum; i++) //循环共进行vexnum-1次 { //遍历所有的边,并对每个边进行一次松弛 for (int j = 0; j < vexnum; j++) { for (ArcNode *arc = vertices[j].firstarc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->nextarc) relax(arc); } } //再次遍历所有的边,检查图中是否存在权重为负值的环路,如果存在,则返回false for (int j = 0; j < vexnum; j++) { for (ArcNode *arc = vertices[0].firstarc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->nextarc) { if (vertices[arc->adjvex].key > vertices[arc->source].key + arc->weight) return false; } } cout << "BellmanFord求出的单源最短路径:" << endl; for (int i = 1; i < vexnum; i++) { printPath(index-1, i); } cout << "**************************************************" << endl; return true; } void Dijkstra(int index) { InitalizeSingleSource(index-1); vector snode; //保存已经找到最短路径的结点 vector que; //保存结点的指针的数组,用这个数组执行堆的算法 //将结点指针进队列,形成以key为关键值的最小堆 for (int i = 0; i < vexnum; i++) que.push_back(&(vertices[i])); //使que按照pvnodecompare准则构成一个最小堆 make_heap(que.begin(), que.end(), PVNodeCompare()); while (que.empty() == false) { //将队列中拥有最小key的结点出队 VNode *node = que.front(); pop_heap(que.begin(), que.end(), PVNodeCompare()); //从堆中删除最小的结点,只是放到了vector的最后 que.pop_back(); //将vector中的这个结点彻底删除,因为后面还要再排序一次,以免影响后面的堆排序,pop算法。 snode.push_back(*node); for (ArcNode *arc = node->firstarc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->nextarc) relax(arc); make_heap(que.begin(), que.end(), PVNodeCompare()); } cout << "Dijkstra求出的单源最短路径:" << endl; for (int i = 1; i < vexnum; i++) { if (i != index-1) printPath(index-1, i); } cout << "**************************************************" << endl; } protected: //插入一个表结点 void insertArc(int vHead, int vTail, int weight) { //构造一个表结点 ArcNode *newArcNode = new ArcNode; newArcNode->source = vHead; newArcNode->adjvex = vTail; newArcNode->nextarc = NULL; newArcNode->weight = weight; //arcNode 是vertics[vHead]的邻接表 ArcNode *arcNode = vertices[vHead].firstarc; if (arcNode == NULL) vertices[vHead].firstarc = newArcNode; else { while (arcNode->nextarc != NULL) { arcNode = arcNode->nextarc; } arcNode->nextarc = newArcNode; } arcnum++; vertices[vTail].indegree++; //对弧的尾结点的入度加1 } //打印源节点到i的最短路径 void printPath(int i, int j) { cout << "从源节点 " << vertices[i].data << " 到目的结点 " << vertices[j].data << " 的最短路径是:" /*<< endl*/; __printPath(&vertices[i], &vertices[j]); cout << " 权重为:" << vertices[j].key << endl; } void __printPath(VNode* source, VNode* dest) { if (source == dest) cout << source->data << "->"; else if (dest->p == NULL) cout << " no path!" << endl; else { __printPath(source, dest->p); cout << dest->data << "->"; } } private: //const数据成员必须在构造函数里初始化 static const int MAX_VERTEX_NUM = 20; //最大顶点个数 VNode vertices[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; //存放结点的数组 int vexnum; //图的当前顶点数 int arcnum; //图的弧数 };